Supporting people with learning disability or autism to live, learn and work.

What is Supported Employment?
Supported Employment has been successfully used for decades as a model for supporting people with significant disabilities to secure and retain paid employment. The model uses a partnership strategy to enable people with disabilities to achieve sustainable long-term employment and businesses to employ valuable workers.
Employment terms and conditions for people with disabilities should be the same as for everyone else including pay at the contracted going rate, equal employee benefits, safe working conditions and opportunities for career advancement.
The model has at its heart the notion that anyone can be employed if they want paid employment and sufficient support is provided. The model is a flexible and continuous process, designed to meet all anticipated needs. The EUSE Supported Employment toolkit although aimed at professionals, provides background information on the supported employment model and includes useful "how to" guides. The model is equally applicable to supporting job retention.
We identify the most 'natural' ways in which we can support people with disabilities in employment, working in partnership with employers and all concerned. More intensive and personalised approaches such as training in Systematic Instruction are available if needed.
Supported Employment is often described as Individual Placement and Support (IPS) when it is used to support people with long term mental health needs.
Orchardville is a Board Member of the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment (NIUSE), we recognize and adhere to a set of core values underpinning the Supported Employment Model.

EUSE Supported Employment Toolkit
The European Union of Supported Employment was established to develop Supported Employment throughout Europe.
View EUSE Supported Employment Toolkit

Core Values of Supported Employment
Supported employment practitioners are expected to be aware of and to apply a value based and ethical approach in their practice.
View Core Values of Supported Employment

Positive Action Guide
This five step recruitment guide has been designed to help employers to match the right people with the right jobs, achieving positive outcomes for everyone.
View Positive Action Guide